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In 2017, the PROZORINI PERFUME Perfume House celebrated its 10th anniversary. However, the love story with fragrances of its founder, perfumer Irina Prozorini began much earlier

In 2017, the PROZORINI PERFUME Perfume House celebrated its 10th anniversary.
However, the love story with fragrances of its founder, perfumer Irina Prozorini began much
earlier. Since childhood, she wanted to reveal the secret of the ineffable charm of fragrances.

Going for walks, Irina, with her eyes closed, could describe her favorite flower by smell,
thereby revealing her childish imagination. In chemistry lessons, she presented herself as a real
alchemist, and at home she «practiced», mixing her mother perfume in different proportions.

Even then, an understanding came: perfume cannot be simple. They should be as unique
and complex as the person himself. After all, the task of a perfume - is not to be one of the
strokes to the image, as many believed and still believe, but to create an integral image of a
person in the eyes of others. And this image should be beautiful.

Falling in love with fragrances grew stronger and grew into unconditional love in the East, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, where the Prozorini family lived for several years. The status environment and friendship with the Sheikh of the Royal Family opened the door to a secret and mysterious world of emotions and sensuality for a novice perfumer - the world of fragrances.

2007 marked the beginning of the «adult» perfumery history.

«I learned about smells that few know, I was initiated into the knowledge that is available to a few.»

The perfumers of the royal family helped to comprehend the secrets of this art, sharing knowledge that is stored for thousands of years in the East. Thus began the first steps of Prozorini into this truly magical world.

The result of this work was the first collection of 19 fragrances, which was presented in Russia in 2008.

Falling in love with fragrances grew stronger and grew into unconditional love in the East, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, where the Prozorini family lived for several years. The status environment and friendship with the Sheikh of the Royal Family opened the door to a secret and mysterious world of emotions and sensuality for a novice perfumer - the world of fragrances.

2007 marked the beginning of the «adult» perfumery history.

«I learned about smells that few know, I was initiated into the knowledge that is available to a few.»

The perfumers of the royal family helped to comprehend the secrets of this art, sharing knowledge that is stored for thousands of years in the East. Thus began the first steps of Prozorini into this truly magical world.

The result of this work was the first collection of 19 fragrances, which was presented in Russia in 2008.

A new perfume brand in the luxury segment, with a philosophy unusual for a Russian consumer, an absolutely non-standard presentation - all this caused, at least, customer bewilderment, which gradually grew into interest in the product.

Today in different circles you can hear the name Prozorini. Someone, pronouncing this word, talks about amazing perfumes, the aroma of which is able to awaken the strongest passions and desires in people, someone talks about their creator - a mysterious lady with an Italian surname, the lady of pheromones and aphrodisiacs, who unraveled the secrets of the best perfumers of the East.

In 2013, work started on the second collection, which in 2017 was presented in Russia, in the first country of its perfume tour.

The New Era collection - is a collection of fragrances where oriental traditions, Italian temperament and the Russian soul of their creator have merged.
The story continues ...